How do I cancel my Crafts membership?
We very much hope you’ll be a Crafts member for many years, enjoying and supporting us to produce high-quality, thought-provoking content and conversation across print, digital and live events.
You can opt to switch to another plan if you find that the one you chose isn’t quite right for you. Scroll to “Can I change my plan?” for more guidance.
You can upgrade your plan anytime, and you may also downgrade your membership to a lower level at the end of your membership period.
However, if you’d like to leave the Crafts community you can cancel your membership, by following these three steps:
- Log in to your Steady account
- Open the Memberships page and click “Cancel plan”
- You will then be asked to choose between an “ordinary” and “extraordinary” type of cancellation.
‘Ordinary cancellations’ are cancellations at the end of the billing cycle.
‘Extraordinary cancellations’ are cancellation requests before the end of the billing cycle.
For members paying monthly The earliest date of cancellation is the end of the current billing cycle. For example, if you started a monthly membership on the 15 of a given month, you'll have to cancel before the 15 of a month to ensure it does not auto-renew for a further month.
There is only one possible termination date for annual memberships.
For example, if your membership started on January 15, you'll have to cancel before the January 15 of the following year to ensure it does not auto-renew for a further year.
Please refer to Steady’s cancellation guidance and read your rights to revoke membership for more detail.