Crafts CouncilDirectoryAgata Nowak, Artist and Designer, Community Practitioner One Percent (2020)AboutGathering of 3200 porcelain hand made round discs. Each one representing an individual that is homeless. According to research from Shelter there were 32000 homeless individuals in the UK in 2018. Agata has been working with members of Crisis community in Croydon since 2018. First as a volunteer, then artist and ceramic tutor. One Percent, 2020. Porcelain discs on board. Size 240x 300cm Work exhibited in Croydon College (2020-2021)Agata Nowak, Artist and Designer, Community Practitioner Surrey, EnglandOne percent, Nick Holliday3200 porcelain hand made discs on board o represent homeless individuals in the UKOne Percent (2020)AboutGathering of 3200 porcelain hand made round discs. Each one representing an individual that is homeless. According to research from Shelter there were 32000 homeless individuals in the UK in 2018. Agata has been working with members of Crisis community in Croydon since 2018. First as a volunteer, then artist and ceramic tutor. One Percent, 2020. Porcelain discs on board. Size 240x 300cm Work exhibited in Croydon College (2020-2021)Agata Nowak, Artist and Designer, Community Practitioner Surrey, EnglandOne percent, Nick Holliday3200 porcelain hand made discs on board o represent homeless individuals in the UKMore from Agata Nowak, Artist and Designer, Community Practitioner ProjectOld and BoldProjectHistorical PortraitsProjectAxum November 2020 (2021)ProjectCeramic Garden (2019). Community Project - Celebrating Croydon Communities. The project was supported by Mayor of London Seeds Fund.ProjectPodoconiosis drawings (2023)ProjectTrophies Commission for Mayor’s London Borough of Culture for 2025 and 2027