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Collect 2025
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From 2D to 3D About
This work, for my graduate show (2024) sought to use abstract printmaking and sculpture to explore the relationship and break the boundaries between 2D and 3D. As forms emerged from the wall, breaking out of the confines of the flat image and frame into the exhibition space, visitors were invited to surrender to whatever feelings were evoked; peace, joy, curiosity or something else.
Amanda Benstead Oxford, England
Print bronze 1, the artist Print and bronze
Print porcelain 1, the artist Print and porcelain
Print bronze 2, the artist Print and bronze
Print porcelain 2, the artist Print and porcelain
From 2D to 3D About
This work, for my graduate show (2024) sought to use abstract printmaking and sculpture to explore the relationship and break the boundaries between 2D and 3D. As forms emerged from the wall, breaking out of the confines of the flat image and frame into the exhibition space, visitors were invited to surrender to whatever feelings were evoked; peace, joy, curiosity or something else.
Amanda Benstead Oxford, England
Print bronze 2, the artist Print and bronze
Print bronze 1, the artist Print and bronze
Print porcelain 2, the artist Print and porcelain
Print porcelain 1, the artist Print and porcelain
More from Amanda Benstead
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