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Utopian Bodies / Fashion Looks Forward Anastasya Martynova London, England
Utopian Bodies / Fashion Looks Forward, Serge Martynov Special commissioned mannequin arms with each carved set relating to each garment.
Utopian Bodies / Fashion Looks Forward, Serge Martynov Carved mannequin arms inspired by Henry van der Velde’s Art Nouveau influenced dresses from the Netherlands in Gieves and Hawkes Bespoke
Utopian Bodies / Fashion Looks Forward, Serge Martynov Carved mannequin arms inspired by William Morris’s pre-Raphaelite patterns in Britain in Schiaparelli Couture.
Utopian Bodies / Fashion Looks Forward Anastasya Martynova London, England
Utopian Bodies / Fashion Looks Forward, Serge Martynov Special commissioned mannequin arms with each carved set relating to each garment.
Utopian Bodies / Fashion Looks Forward, Serge Martynov Carved mannequin arms inspired by William Morris’s pre-Raphaelite patterns in Britain in Schiaparelli Couture.
Utopian Bodies / Fashion Looks Forward, Serge Martynov Carved mannequin arms inspired by Henry van der Velde’s Art Nouveau influenced dresses from the Netherlands in Gieves and Hawkes Bespoke
More from Anastasya Martynova
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