Crafts CouncilDirectoryAnna BinghamPinch Pots - Walking WestwardAboutA project begun in 2020, from my studio in London, the memories of walking the landscape of the North Cornwall coast was the starting point for these pinched vessels. The memories of the walks on the coast and the distant horizon line translated into the colours and lines of the edges of these forms.Anna BinghamLondon,Black, Ken Jackson at Cultural Heritage DigitisationCollapsed black pinched vesselBlack, detail, Ken Jackson - Cultural Heritage DigitisationSurface detail of black potRust, detail, Ken Jackson - Cultural Heritage DigitisationClose up of surface detail on Rust potBright White Pinched vessel, Ken Jackson - Cultural Heritage DigitisationPinched distorted vesselRust, Ken Jackson at Cultural heritage DigitisationPinched and flattened vessel in stoneware clay, 2020Burnished red, Ken Jackson - Cultural Heritage DigitisationPinched vessel in stoneware clay, 2020Burnished Red, detail, Ken jackson - Cultural Heritage DigitisationClose up of Burnished redBright White detail, Ken Jackson - Cultural Heritage DigitisationClose up of surface White Pinched potPinch Pots - Walking WestwardAboutA project begun in 2020, from my studio in London, the memories of walking the landscape of the North Cornwall coast was the starting point for these pinched vessels. The memories of the walks on the coast and the distant horizon line translated into the colours and lines of the edges of these forms.Anna BinghamLondon,Black, Ken Jackson at Cultural Heritage DigitisationCollapsed black pinched vesselRust, Ken Jackson at Cultural heritage DigitisationPinched and flattened vessel in stoneware clay, 2020Black, detail, Ken Jackson - Cultural Heritage DigitisationSurface detail of black potBurnished red, Ken Jackson - Cultural Heritage DigitisationPinched vessel in stoneware clay, 2020Rust, detail, Ken Jackson - Cultural Heritage DigitisationClose up of surface detail on Rust potBurnished Red, detail, Ken jackson - Cultural Heritage DigitisationClose up of Burnished redBright White Pinched vessel, Ken Jackson - Cultural Heritage DigitisationPinched distorted vesselBright White detail, Ken Jackson - Cultural Heritage DigitisationClose up of surface White Pinched potMore from Anna BinghamProjectSound VesselsProjectVapour VesselsProjectRust VesselsProjectWall panels