Crafts CouncilDirectoryCharlotte Tollyfield Contemporary Bespoke SilverwareSilversmith and MetalworkerSheffield, EnglandMetalworkingSilversmithingCraft educatorWebsiteE-mailInstagramTwitterFacebookAboutInfoNewsMy fascination with geometric shapes and symmetry has been evident in my work throughout my creative career. Recently my work has evolved, becoming more sculptural, although no less functional. I have also introduced other materials, bringing colour and texture to an otherwise minimalist aesthetic. These also create the structural framework that dictates the form of the silver. The silver is a connecting component that completes the piece. Take the silver away and you take the sense out of it.Focus:Designing and creating functional and ceremonial objects in silver or copper.New Smithing Skills Courses for 2025February 2025Charlotte has partnered with Yorkshire Artspace, in Sheffield, to bring her popular Smithing Skills courses to a larger audience. This spring she will be offering an evening class for up to 8 people in the new Silver Space studio - Yorkshire Artspace's specialist facility for contemporary silversmithing and fine metalwork in the north. Charlotte is also holding a 2-day workshop in June for 4 people to learn the skill of hand raising and create a beautiful copper hanging planter. Visit her website for more details.AboutMy fascination with geometric shapes and symmetry has been evident in my work throughout my creative career. Recently my work has evolved, becoming more sculptural, although no less functional. I have also introduced other materials, bringing colour and texture to an otherwise minimalist aesthetic. These also create the structural framework that dictates the form of the silver. The silver is a connecting component that completes the piece. Take the silver away and you take the sense out of it.InfoFocus:Designing and creating functional and ceremonial objects in silver or copper.NewsNew Smithing Skills Courses for 2025February 2025Charlotte has partnered with Yorkshire Artspace, in Sheffield, to bring her popular Smithing Skills courses to a larger audience. This spring she will be offering an evening class for up to 8 people in the new Silver Space studio - Yorkshire Artspace's specialist facility for contemporary silversmithing and fine metalwork in the north. Charlotte is also holding a 2-day workshop in June for 4 people to learn the skill of hand raising and create a beautiful copper hanging planter. Visit her website for more details.WebsiteE-mailInstagramTwitterFacebookProjectCIRCA CopperwareProjectHexagonal Bowl & Salad ServersProjectThe William Hill St. Leger Satkes Winner's Trophy
New Smithing Skills Courses for 2025February 2025Charlotte has partnered with Yorkshire Artspace, in Sheffield, to bring her popular Smithing Skills courses to a larger audience. This spring she will be offering an evening class for up to 8 people in the new Silver Space studio - Yorkshire Artspace's specialist facility for contemporary silversmithing and fine metalwork in the north. Charlotte is also holding a 2-day workshop in June for 4 people to learn the skill of hand raising and create a beautiful copper hanging planter. Visit her website for more details.
New Smithing Skills Courses for 2025February 2025Charlotte has partnered with Yorkshire Artspace, in Sheffield, to bring her popular Smithing Skills courses to a larger audience. This spring she will be offering an evening class for up to 8 people in the new Silver Space studio - Yorkshire Artspace's specialist facility for contemporary silversmithing and fine metalwork in the north. Charlotte is also holding a 2-day workshop in June for 4 people to learn the skill of hand raising and create a beautiful copper hanging planter. Visit her website for more details.