Crafts CouncilDirectoryGabriele KochRecent WorkGabriele KochLondon, EnglandStanding Form,H.48cm, Bowl, H.11cm, Lutz KrainhoefnerStoneware with inlaid porcelain and slipBlack Towers, H.36cm, 40cm, 32cm, Lutz KrainhoefnerBlack Towers, handbuilt stonewareDisorderly Plate, Diam. 45cm, Lutz KrainhoefnerHandbuilt stoneware with inlaid porcelainRecent WorkGabriele KochLondon, EnglandStanding Form,H.48cm, Bowl, H.11cm, Lutz KrainhoefnerStoneware with inlaid porcelain and slipDisorderly Plate, Diam. 45cm, Lutz KrainhoefnerHandbuilt stoneware with inlaid porcelainBlack Towers, H.36cm, 40cm, 32cm, Lutz KrainhoefnerBlack Towers, handbuilt stonewareMore from Gabriele KochProjectFeatured Maker, Bevere Gallery, Worcester. 2 November - 31 December 2018ProjectColour Theory