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Embroidery About
A portrait to commemorate a dear friend following her death, this is rendered in stranded cotton on linen ground, then mounted as a slip onto a larger appliqué ground.
Gill Roberts, Embroiderer & Corset Maker at Belladonna & Roses Birkenhead, England
African leaves, Andrew Paterson Photography A hanging, made to commission, using sun-printed African cloth decorated with leaves. Each leaf was embroidered using random-dyed silk threads of differing textures, and with some embellishment with beads to enhance the texture.
Pihanga’s Wedding Dress, Gill Roberts Corset and skirt in hand and free machine embroidery
Marie Stacey, Gill Roberts Portrait of a late friend, embroidered in stranded cottons following her death.
Embroidery About
A portrait to commemorate a dear friend following her death, this is rendered in stranded cotton on linen ground, then mounted as a slip onto a larger appliqué ground.
Gill Roberts, Embroiderer & Corset Maker at Belladonna & Roses Birkenhead, England
African leaves, Andrew Paterson Photography A hanging, made to commission, using sun-printed African cloth decorated with leaves. Each leaf was embroidered using random-dyed silk threads of differing textures, and with some embellishment with beads to enhance the texture.
Marie Stacey, Gill Roberts Portrait of a late friend, embroidered in stranded cottons following her death.
Pihanga’s Wedding Dress, Gill Roberts Corset and skirt in hand and free machine embroidery
More from Gill Roberts, Embroiderer & Corset Maker at Belladonna & Roses
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