Crafts CouncilDirectoryGillies JonesLandscape Studies 2012 - 2014Gillies JonesRosedale Abbey, EnglandLandscape 2012 Autumn Colour, P ChambersAn interpretation of the North York Moors Landscape in Blown & Engraved GlassLandscape 2012 Moorland Light, P ChambersAn interpretation of the North York Moors Landscape in Blown & Engraved GlassMid Winter Landscape 2013, P ChambersAn interpretation of the North York Moors Landscape in Blown & Engraved GlassLandscape Moor Wall 2012, P ChambersAn interpretation of the North York Moors Landscape in Blown & Engraved GlassLandscape 2013 Winter Light, P ChambersAn interpretation of the North York Moors Landscape in Blown & Engraved GlassLandscape Studies 2012 - 2014Gillies JonesRosedale Abbey, EnglandLandscape 2012 Autumn Colour, P ChambersAn interpretation of the North York Moors Landscape in Blown & Engraved GlassLandscape Moor Wall 2012, P ChambersAn interpretation of the North York Moors Landscape in Blown & Engraved GlassLandscape 2012 Moorland Light, P ChambersAn interpretation of the North York Moors Landscape in Blown & Engraved GlassLandscape 2013 Winter Light, P ChambersAn interpretation of the North York Moors Landscape in Blown & Engraved GlassMid Winter Landscape 2013, P ChambersAn interpretation of the North York Moors Landscape in Blown & Engraved GlassMore from Gillies JonesProjectLandscape 2014 to PresentProjectAesculus 2002 to PresentProjectUbiquitous Bowls 1998 - 2003