Crafts CouncilDirectoryHannah WhiteConstructed textile artist/ researcher/ designer.Surrey, EnglandTextilesMetalworkingWeavingMixed mediaWebsiteE-mailInstagramAboutInfoVideosAs a weaver I am fascinated by how textiles can create sculptural forms. By using my extensive textile knowledge I create framed artworks, free standing sculptures and materials that aim to engage the senses and enrich interior spaces. Through materials-led exploration my work uses woven and stitched threads to form three-dimensional structures, often combining cross-disciplinary materials and processes. I have a Doctorate from the Royal College of Art, an MA and a 1st Class BA(Hons) in TextilesFocus:Sculptural textile artworks, fabrics and materials using constructed textile techniques. My work explores combinations of 3D forms, textile surfaces and their interaction with light.CV:Download documentStockists:Contemporary Applied ArtsHannah WhiteHannah White - London Craft Week 2021 AboutAs a weaver I am fascinated by how textiles can create sculptural forms. By using my extensive textile knowledge I create framed artworks, free standing sculptures and materials that aim to engage the senses and enrich interior spaces. Through materials-led exploration my work uses woven and stitched threads to form three-dimensional structures, often combining cross-disciplinary materials and processes. I have a Doctorate from the Royal College of Art, an MA and a 1st Class BA(Hons) in TextilesInfoFocus:Sculptural textile artworks, fabrics and materials using constructed textile techniques. My work explores combinations of 3D forms, textile surfaces and their interaction with light.CV:Download documentStockists:Contemporary Applied ArtsHannah WhiteVideosHannah White - London Craft Week 2021 WebsiteE-mailInstagramProjectAmmonite Shadow: Idoceras Swirl and Calycoceras SwirlProjectAmmonite Shadow: Jeletzkytes CurlProjectAmmonite Shadow: Asteroceras CurlProjectFluidity and Rigidity