Crafts CouncilDirectoryIncisive Letterwork - Annet StirlingLarge projectsIncisive Letterwork - Annet StirlingAmersham, EnglandNational Portrait Gallery, Philip SayerThe cover of Crafts Magazine showing the entrance opening stoneportico at the National Gallery, incisive letterworkcarved and gilded fascia lettering at the Natonal GalleryExeter Cathedral Green, Incisive LetterworkOne of the 10 pavement inscriptions in the entrances to the GreenLarge projectsIncisive Letterwork - Annet StirlingAmersham, EnglandNational Portrait Gallery, Philip SayerThe cover of Crafts Magazine showing the entrance opening stoneExeter Cathedral Green, Incisive LetterworkOne of the 10 pavement inscriptions in the entrances to the Greenportico at the National Gallery, incisive letterworkcarved and gilded fascia lettering at the Natonal GalleryMore from Incisive Letterwork - Annet StirlingProjectPublic art and memorialsProjectExperimental lettering