Crafts CouncilDirectoryKarina GillSilver Etched Bowls Series 1AboutSilver etched bowlsKarina GillDorset, EnglandPeony, Photography Jonathan Goodingetched sterling silver bowlScythe, Photography Jonathan Goodingsterling silver bowl etched and oxidisedSilver Etched Bowls Series 1AboutSilver etched bowlsKarina GillDorset, EnglandPeony, Photography Jonathan Goodingetched sterling silver bowlScythe, Photography Jonathan Goodingsterling silver bowl etched and oxidisedMore from Karina GillProjectSilver Etched Bowls Series 3ProjectSilver Etched Bowls Series 2ProjectWhirly Silver SculptureProjectSilver Serving SpoonsProjectOxidised Silver Brooch