Crafts CouncilDirectoryKate BajicACJ 20:20 VisionsAboutVisions exhibition showcases the best work from 31 current members of the Association of Contemporary Jewellery highlighting the materials and techniques being used in cutting edge jewellery. New technologies and techniques sit with traditional methods of construction. All of the pieces shown are wearable, however the scale covers the miniscule to the majestic. Conceptual work contrasts with the purely decorative, and all the pieces are made to the highest standards. Kate BajicLoughborough, EnglandBreathe brooch, Kate BajicPorcelain, silver, acrylic paint, 2014, Kate BajicReaction brooch, Kate BajicSilver, copper, acrylic paint, 2015ACJ 20:20 VisionsAboutVisions exhibition showcases the best work from 31 current members of the Association of Contemporary Jewellery highlighting the materials and techniques being used in cutting edge jewellery. New technologies and techniques sit with traditional methods of construction. All of the pieces shown are wearable, however the scale covers the miniscule to the majestic. Conceptual work contrasts with the purely decorative, and all the pieces are made to the highest standards. Kate BajicLoughborough, EnglandBreathe brooch, Kate BajicPorcelain, silver, acrylic paint, 2014, Kate BajicReaction brooch, Kate BajicSilver, copper, acrylic paint, 2015More from Kate BajicProjectTales of the SubconsciousProjectLOOT 2017ProjectLichenologyProjectCollect art fairProjectElements Festival of JewelleryProjectRamalina tiaraProjectGoldsmiths' FairProjectCOLLECT 2025 with CAA GalleryProjectMAD About Jewelry 2024