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Pear Tree 1 Lindsey Kennedy Portfolio Shrewsbury, England
Close up Pear Tree detail, Lindsey Kennedy Portfolio Detail of the jig-saw of green stained glass and hand cut vitreous tiles.
Pear Tree 1, Lindsey Kennedy Portfolio Klimt-inspired mosaic tree wall panel
Close-up Pear Tree 1, Lindsey Kennedy Portfolio Silver birch tree trunks in cloudy white glass with and intense ink blue sky
Pear Tree 1 Lindsey Kennedy Portfolio Shrewsbury, England
Close up Pear Tree detail, Lindsey Kennedy Portfolio Detail of the jig-saw of green stained glass and hand cut vitreous tiles.
Close-up Pear Tree 1, Lindsey Kennedy Portfolio Silver birch tree trunks in cloudy white glass with and intense ink blue sky
Pear Tree 1, Lindsey Kennedy Portfolio Klimt-inspired mosaic tree wall panel
More from Lindsey Kennedy Portfolio
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