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Function and texture About
The aim within these pieces was a peeling back of wood to reveal an unexpected texture lying within. A combining of form, function and texture.
Lood studio Hamstreet, England
steam bent hand carved chestnut, Photo: Lood studio steam bent hand carved chestnut, Photo: Lood studio steam bent hand carved elm, Photo: Lood studio steam bent hand carved chestnut, Photo: Lood studio steam bent hand carved chestnut, Photo: Lood studio
steam bent hand carved elm, Photo: Lood studio
steam bent hand carved elm, Photo: Lood studio
Function and texture About
The aim within these pieces was a peeling back of wood to reveal an unexpected texture lying within. A combining of form, function and texture.
Lood studio Hamstreet, England
steam bent hand carved chestnut, Photo: Lood studio steam bent hand carved chestnut, Photo: Lood studio
steam bent hand carved chestnut, Photo: Lood studio steam bent hand carved elm, Photo: Lood studio
steam bent hand carved elm, Photo: Lood studio steam bent hand carved elm, Photo: Lood studio
steam bent hand carved chestnut, Photo: Lood studio
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