Crafts CouncilDirectorySally Spinks Textile ArtI'm Good ThanksAboutFor some of people mental health issues are difficult to discuss. This body of work, entitled 'I'm Good Thanks' makes repeated calls for help through code - shorthand, morse code and braille - hoping someone will notice and offer help.Sally Spinks Textile ArtLondon, EnglandI'm Good Thanks (shorthand), Sally SpinksI'm Good Thanks (braille), Sally SpinksI'm Good Thanks (detail - morse code), Sally SpinksI'm Good ThanksAboutFor some of people mental health issues are difficult to discuss. This body of work, entitled 'I'm Good Thanks' makes repeated calls for help through code - shorthand, morse code and braille - hoping someone will notice and offer help.Sally Spinks Textile ArtLondon, EnglandI'm Good Thanks (shorthand), Sally SpinksI'm Good Thanks (detail - morse code), Sally SpinksI'm Good Thanks (braille), Sally SpinksMore from Sally Spinks Textile ArtProjectHome Sick HomeProjectRun Over By My Own ParadeProjectHic incipit pestisProjectBirds of a FeatherProjectThe Wreck of the BeautifulProjectRandom Acts of KindnessProjectBread and Circuses