Crafts CouncilDirectoryShornShornShornNottingham, EnglandScraps Vases, Amandine LucasVases made from surplus fibres from my making processes. The fibres and carded and re-spun into yarn that can be used again. White Woollen Lampshade, Amandine LucasWoollen Wine Cosy at the beach, Amandine LucasGrey handmade woollen wine cosy at the beach. Keeping the bottle cool while away from home using the insulation of wool. Scraps Vase Close Up, Amandine LucasNaturally dyed hand-spun woollen yarn, Amandine LucasShornShornNottingham, EnglandScraps Vases, Amandine LucasVases made from surplus fibres from my making processes. The fibres and carded and re-spun into yarn that can be used again. Scraps Vase Close Up, Amandine LucasWhite Woollen Lampshade, Amandine LucasNaturally dyed hand-spun woollen yarn, Amandine LucasWoollen Wine Cosy at the beach, Amandine LucasGrey handmade woollen wine cosy at the beach. Keeping the bottle cool while away from home using the insulation of wool. More from ShornProjectSprungProjectShorn