Crafts CouncilDirectoryZena HollowayHanging Root AboutRoots are the building blocks for plant life; corals are the equivalent for sea life. Entirely compostable, the material is ‘both reality and metaphor, aiming to expose the beauty and vulnerability of coral and to champion ocean conservation.’ Zena HollowayLondon, EnglandRoot, zena hollowaydyed with coreopsisSomerset House 2023, zena hollowayRoot Medusa - natural colour, zena hollowaygrown from grass rootRoot Medusa, zena hollowayCollect Craft Fair 2023, zena hollowaySomerset House - Hanging root mobile, zena hollowaysingle piece dyed with cochinealRoot quilts, zena hollowaygrass root in the shape of coral texturesHanging root, zena hollowayHanging Root AboutRoots are the building blocks for plant life; corals are the equivalent for sea life. Entirely compostable, the material is ‘both reality and metaphor, aiming to expose the beauty and vulnerability of coral and to champion ocean conservation.’ Zena HollowayLondon, EnglandRoot, zena hollowaydyed with coreopsisCollect Craft Fair 2023, zena hollowaySomerset House - Somerset House 2023, zena hollowayHanging root mobile, zena hollowaysingle piece dyed with cochinealRoot Medusa - natural colour, zena hollowaygrown from grass rootRoot quilts, zena hollowaygrass root in the shape of coral texturesRoot Medusa, zena hollowayHanging root, zena hollowayMore from Zena HollowayProjectRootfull - vesselsProjectRootfull - wearable root fashionProjectRoot Lamps