Studio space for up to three creative practitioners to join our community as an Artist-in-Residence at The Hiveand Argent College (Ruskin Mill Trust) located in Birmingham's historic Jewellery Quarter.
Two private units are available on a one-year lease and could be suitable for co-occupancy. In return for heavily subsidised rent, we seek practising artists and creative businesses interested in supporting young people with learning differences by offering meaningful work experience opportunities as a regular part of their residency (0.5 - 1 day a week during term time).
We are particularly interested in heritage craft practices which feature in the Ruskin Mill Trust curriculum such as metalwork, textiles, candle making, leatherwork, woodwork, willowwork, felting, weaving, print, drama, music and horticulture. We also welcome applications from individuals whose creative business aligns with Ruskin Mill Trust’s value of art and land-centered work.
Successful applicants will be expected to undergo enhanced DBS and mandatory training to include safeguarding, all provided by Ruskin Mill Trust. Tenants would also be required to provide their own public and employer’s liability insurance.
Tenancies would be available as a one-year lease, and most likely with the opportunity to extend subject to terms and conditions. Being part of our community would also include retail and exhibition opportunities and the option to be involved with our public and community-facing programming.