Craft and drink-making are two topics that – at first glance – could be seen as quite disparate. Why should we see them as interconnected?
High-end spirit making is a craft that takes practical skills and knowledge to perfect. During the creation process, we are constantly considering various micro-parameters that influence the final product, such as the type of distillation, distillation pots, mashing method, yeast variety, cutting point and, of course, the grain variety. Changes at any stage of the process brings about a different result.
The work of a spirit maker is akin to the work of any craftsman – especially at X Muse, where we are trying to bring the craft of spirit making to the level of art. We look at every step in our production process through the eyes of an artist. We believe that finely crafted spirits, infused with artistic creativity, contribute to a life full of meaning, stimulating connections, discoveries and learning.