Crafts CouncilDirectoryCarola van DykeButerfleogeAboutThis delicate vibrant butterfly wing is a mesmerising embroidery with intricate detail. Working quite often from the back means, you can’t always predict what the outcome will be at the front. The fragility lays in the holes created in the stitching, giving it a feeling of decay. 60 x 45 cm unframed 76 x 76 cm floating in round frameCarola van DykeHastings, EnglandButerfleoge, Tim NathanEmbroidery of butterfly wing 76 x76 cm framedButterfly , Carola van DykeDetail, Carola van DykeDetail, Carola van DykeButerfleogeAboutThis delicate vibrant butterfly wing is a mesmerising embroidery with intricate detail. Working quite often from the back means, you can’t always predict what the outcome will be at the front. The fragility lays in the holes created in the stitching, giving it a feeling of decay. 60 x 45 cm unframed 76 x 76 cm floating in round frameCarola van DykeHastings, EnglandButerfleoge, Tim NathanEmbroidery of butterfly wing 76 x76 cm framedDetail, Carola van DykeButterfly , Carola van DykeDetail, Carola van DykeMore from Carola van DykeProjectBotanical GardenProjectBolted CabbageProjectLiberty London deer and Stag headsProjectFrayedProjectStill Life 1ProjectHerbariumProjectConserved Specimen-Thistle ProjectConserved Specimen- BorageProjectBearded IrisProjectFloral VanitasProjectAdornmentProjectStill Life II