Crafts CouncilDirectoryCarola van Dyketextile artistHastings, EnglandTextilesEmbroideryWebsiteE-mailInstagramAboutInfoSustainabilityI am a textile artist making free-motion embroidered artwork (and flamboyant Textile Taxidermy. My craft medium is thread and my work is made with tiny floating individual stitches. I aim to achieve a delicate result by pushing the boundaries of embroidery, bringing a more refined and unexpected outcome. I am inspired by the natural world and have a love for historical botanical illustrations & 17th century Dutch paintings. Clients: Textiel Museum, Bergdorf Goodman, Liberty London & more. .Focus:Embroidered wall hangings (& sculptures) and Textile TaxidermyCV:Download documentAt its core, sustainable embroidery involves the use of environmentally friendly materials and mindful production techniques. Swapping to mainly natural or recycled threads was more than just a sustainable choice; it was a stroke of creativity that opened up new avenues of expression. My commissions for the Textile Taxidermy pieces from Liberty London, Joseph Abboudd and other textile/ fashion designers are made with their end of Line fabrics, which is a very sustainable way to use fabric.AboutI am a textile artist making free-motion embroidered artwork (and flamboyant Textile Taxidermy. My craft medium is thread and my work is made with tiny floating individual stitches. I aim to achieve a delicate result by pushing the boundaries of embroidery, bringing a more refined and unexpected outcome. I am inspired by the natural world and have a love for historical botanical illustrations & 17th century Dutch paintings. Clients: Textiel Museum, Bergdorf Goodman, Liberty London & more. .InfoFocus:Embroidered wall hangings (& sculptures) and Textile TaxidermyCV:Download documentSustainabilityAt its core, sustainable embroidery involves the use of environmentally friendly materials and mindful production techniques. Swapping to mainly natural or recycled threads was more than just a sustainable choice; it was a stroke of creativity that opened up new avenues of expression. My commissions for the Textile Taxidermy pieces from Liberty London, Joseph Abboudd and other textile/ fashion designers are made with their end of Line fabrics, which is a very sustainable way to use fabric.WebsiteE-mailInstagramProjectStill Life IIProjectAdornmentProjectFloral VanitasProjectBearded IrisProjectConserved Specimen- BorageProjectConserved Specimen-Thistle ProjectHerbariumProjectStill Life 1ProjectFrayedProjectButerfleogeProjectLiberty London deer and Stag headsProjectBolted CabbageProjectBotanical Garden