Crafts CouncilDirectoryDeb KingHandweaverLondon, EnglandTextilesWeavingFashionWebsiteE-mailAboutInfoI am a handweaver deeply fascinated by the transformation of yarns into cloth. Art pieces seek to give the threads space to breathe, inviting the viewer to follow the intricate path of each one and to see its relationship to its neighbours and to the space around it as the interlocking patterns develop. Homewares and accessories are intended to accompany the owner in their daily life, collecting memories, scars and repairs until they are returned to the earth at the end of their useful lives.Focus:Woven textilesCV:Download documentCommissions:Available for commissionsAboutI am a handweaver deeply fascinated by the transformation of yarns into cloth. Art pieces seek to give the threads space to breathe, inviting the viewer to follow the intricate path of each one and to see its relationship to its neighbours and to the space around it as the interlocking patterns develop. Homewares and accessories are intended to accompany the owner in their daily life, collecting memories, scars and repairs until they are returned to the earth at the end of their useful lives.InfoFocus:Woven textilesCV:Download documentCommissions:Available for commissionsWebsiteE-mailProjectBritish woolProjectLost LuxuryProjectSitting PrettyProjectSeeing through