Crafts CouncilDirectoryGail Altschuler CeramicsPorcelain People VesselsGail Altschuler CeramicsLondon, EnglandOn the Beach, Bill MudgePorcelain people vessel on the beach 15cm high by 8cm wideThe family, Bill mudgePorcelain People vessel 16cm high x 8cm wideOn the Beach, the Girls and Ducks, Bill mudgeporcelain people vesselsTall faces, Bill mudgePorcelain People vessels 18cm high by 8cm wideOn the Beach, Bill MudgePorcelain people vessel 16cm high 8cm widePorcelain People vessels , Bill mudgeMusic, At the Cafe, At the Met Porcelain People VesselsGail Altschuler CeramicsLondon, EnglandOn the Beach, Bill MudgePorcelain people vessel on the beach 15cm high by 8cm wideTall faces, Bill mudgePorcelain People vessels 18cm high by 8cm wideThe family, Bill mudgePorcelain People vessel 16cm high x 8cm wideOn the Beach, Bill MudgePorcelain people vessel 16cm high 8cm wideOn the Beach, the Girls and Ducks, Bill mudgeporcelain people vesselsPorcelain People vessels , Bill mudgeMusic, At the Cafe, At the Met More from Gail Altschuler CeramicsProjectEarthstone VesselsProjectSilk Screen Printed PorcelainProjectPorcelain VesselsProjectNarrative Porcelain plates