Crafts CouncilDirectoryJane Sarre Sculptural CeramicsDynamics of Place, Rye HarbourAboutOngoing project producing work inspired by the place.Jane Sarre Sculptural CeramicsHastings, England36 Views of Longspar Aggregate, Jane SarreKinetic sculptureTrace, prototype, Jane SarreModular ceramic sculpture with steel fittingsBetween Rye Harbour Farm and Narrow Pit, Jane SarreKinetic sculptureDynamics of Place, Rye HarbourAboutOngoing project producing work inspired by the place.Jane Sarre Sculptural CeramicsHastings, England36 Views of Longspar Aggregate, Jane SarreKinetic sculptureBetween Rye Harbour Farm and Narrow Pit, Jane SarreKinetic sculptureTrace, prototype, Jane SarreModular ceramic sculpture with steel fittingsMore from Jane Sarre Sculptural CeramicsProjectDungeness residencyProjectWorkings on paperProjectNew series sculpturesProjectGet More Creative