Crafts CouncilDirectoryJane Sarre Sculptural CeramicsGet More CreativeAboutDo you enjoy doing creative things, but sometimes struggle to know what to make? Do you have a technique you love but find it hard to get started? I would love to help you get more creative. Join me for online inspirations and guidance, challenges and courses. Sarre Sculptural CeramicsHastings, EnglandGet More Creative logo, Jane SarreGet More Creative logoGet More CreativeAboutDo you enjoy doing creative things, but sometimes struggle to know what to make? Do you have a technique you love but find it hard to get started? I would love to help you get more creative. Join me for online inspirations and guidance, challenges and courses. Sarre Sculptural CeramicsHastings, EnglandGet More Creative logo, Jane SarreGet More Creative logoMore from Jane Sarre Sculptural CeramicsProjectDungeness residencyProjectWorkings on paperProjectNew series sculpturesProjectDynamics of Place, Rye Harbour