Crafts CouncilDirectoryKim NortonLines, Levels, Layers at Siobhan Davies London.Kim NortonLondon, EnglandLines , Kim Norton 2014Soil samples collected across the borough of Southwark, South East LondonLevels , Kim Norton 2014Material samples collected across the London borough of Southwark. Lines. 2014, Gorm AshurstNine samples of London clays and soil collected from different locations across Southwark.Layers , KimNorton 2014London soil on canvas Levels , Kim Norton 2014Three different stages as the clay and soil was turned into a liquid drawing material. Box 1: Showing all the objects extracted from the soil across different sites. Box 2: Soil collected from Stuart Road allotments in Nunhead. Box 3: The same soil from box 2 sieved and watered down turning it into a soft slip consistency.Lines, Levels, Layers at Siobhan Davies London.Kim NortonLondon, EnglandLines , Kim Norton 2014Soil samples collected across the borough of Southwark, South East LondonLayers , KimNorton 2014London soil on canvas Levels , Kim Norton 2014Material samples collected across the London borough of Southwark. Levels , Kim Norton 2014Three different stages as the clay and soil was turned into a liquid drawing material. Box 1: Showing all the objects extracted from the soil across different sites. Box 2: Soil collected from Stuart Road allotments in Nunhead. Box 3: The same soil from box 2 sieved and watered down turning it into a soft slip consistency.Lines. 2014, Gorm AshurstNine samples of London clays and soil collected from different locations across Southwark.More from Kim NortonProjectPerpendicular at Arthouse1ProjectResidency: Explore British Ceramics Biennial 2013 Collaborative project with Hothouse 3 ceramicistsProjectBrick in nine parts- with haptic/tacit. ProjectPhysical traces of making- with haptic/tacitProject10 Days Winchester: CaCO3ProjectGroundworks: Earthbound in collaboration with Jane Ponsford. ProjectExperiential Spaces: PauseProjectMaterials Library