Crafts CouncilDirectoryLucy NewmanMutated bouquet of flowers with every flower distorted like it has been photoshoppedAboutHand embroidered artworkLucy NewmanLondon, EnglandMutated bouquet of flowers with every flower distorted like it has been photoshopped, Photo: Lucy NewmanHand embroidery on canvas, 2023, 50 x 50 cmMutated bouquet of flowers with every flower distorted like it has been photoshoppedAboutHand embroidered artworkLucy NewmanLondon, EnglandMutated bouquet of flowers with every flower distorted like it has been photoshopped, Photo: Lucy NewmanHand embroidery on canvas, 2023, 50 x 50 cmMore from Lucy NewmanProjectFlower study in the style of Audubon but in the future after a nuclear meltdownProjectin the future what will flowers look like after nuclear mutation and exposure to pollutionProjectFlower study in the style of Audubon but in the future after exposure to nuclear mutation 2ProjectFlower study in the style of Audubon but in the future after a nuclear meltdown 2ProjectTo the Reptilian Reflex