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Tessellation About
Margo's use of colour is instinctive and joyful – blocks of cool greys and subtly tinted whites sit in hard contrast against emerald green, teal, yellow and pink. The proportions are arrived at by way of a combination of intuition and measurement. In a game of scale, moving from micro to macro, each composition is a development of weave structures blown-up and abstracted. The method of production requires exact planning and complex mathematical calculation, as well as dexterity.
Margo Selby Whitstable, England
Margo Selby: TESSELLATION, Louise Tierney Installed with Design-Nation for London Craft Week 2019, at the Bargehouse, OXO Tower Wharf, London
Margo Selby: TESSALLATION 2020, Louise Tierney Installed at Turner Contemporary, Margate
Margo Selby: TESSELLATION 2020, Louise Tierney Works installed at Turner Contemporary, Margate
Close up of TESSELLATION work, warp 16, Louise Tierney
Tessellation About
Margo's use of colour is instinctive and joyful – blocks of cool greys and subtly tinted whites sit in hard contrast against emerald green, teal, yellow and pink. The proportions are arrived at by way of a combination of intuition and measurement. In a game of scale, moving from micro to macro, each composition is a development of weave structures blown-up and abstracted. The method of production requires exact planning and complex mathematical calculation, as well as dexterity.
Margo Selby Whitstable, England
Margo Selby: TESSELLATION, Louise Tierney Installed with Design-Nation for London Craft Week 2019, at the Bargehouse, OXO Tower Wharf, London
Margo Selby: TESSELLATION 2020, Louise Tierney Works installed at Turner Contemporary, Margate
Margo Selby: TESSALLATION 2020, Louise Tierney Installed at Turner Contemporary, Margate
Close up of TESSELLATION work, warp 16, Louise Tierney
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