Crafts CouncilDirectoryMary Wright CeramicsMidsummerMary Wright CeramicsSevenoaks, EnglandSelection of pottery from the Midsummer collection, Mary Wright Thrown, slip and sgraffito decorationBud Vase, Mary Wright Thrown vase, slip and sgraffito decorationLarge Plate with Midsummer flower decoration, Mary WrightWheel thrown stoneware ceramic plate, slip and sgraffito decorationLidded pot with Midsummer decoration, Mary Wright Wheel thrown, slip and sgraffito decorationMidsummer teapot and mug, Mary Wright Wheel thrown stoneware, slip and sgraffito decorationMidsummerMary Wright CeramicsSevenoaks, EnglandSelection of pottery from the Midsummer collection, Mary Wright Thrown, slip and sgraffito decorationLidded pot with Midsummer decoration, Mary Wright Wheel thrown, slip and sgraffito decorationBud Vase, Mary Wright Thrown vase, slip and sgraffito decorationMidsummer teapot and mug, Mary Wright Wheel thrown stoneware, slip and sgraffito decorationLarge Plate with Midsummer flower decoration, Mary WrightWheel thrown stoneware ceramic plate, slip and sgraffito decorationMore from Mary Wright CeramicsProjectGraceful Flow