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Freeform animals Nameless Wonders Glasgow, Scotland
run run run, own image a randomly made creature with stamped text
dready bear, own image Made from old teddy bear remnants this poor creature is what could happen when multiple unskilled repairs happen to an aging bear. Hand stitched textiles with one glass eye and one button one.
suave cat, own image a handsome cat intuitively stitched from fabric offcuts
punk chick, own image A vibrant upright chicken in punk glam chic, resplendent in crepe, chains and safety pins. There is wire in the legs and card inside the base for stability.
three small creatures, own image Three tiny critters made entirely without plan. I challenged myself to only use the (admittedly huge range of) fabrics in one of my scraps drawers. All are hand stitched and embroidered.
Freeform animals Nameless Wonders Glasgow, Scotland
run run run, own image a randomly made creature with stamped text
punk chick, own image A vibrant upright chicken in punk glam chic, resplendent in crepe, chains and safety pins. There is wire in the legs and card inside the base for stability.
dready bear, own image Made from old teddy bear remnants this poor creature is what could happen when multiple unskilled repairs happen to an aging bear. Hand stitched textiles with one glass eye and one button one.
three small creatures, own image Three tiny critters made entirely without plan. I challenged myself to only use the (admittedly huge range of) fabrics in one of my scraps drawers. All are hand stitched and embroidered.
suave cat, own image a handsome cat intuitively stitched from fabric offcuts
More from Nameless Wonders
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