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Staffordshire pottery-inspired work Nameless Wonders Glasgow, Scotland
leopard family in armed snake horror, own image composite piece in stitched and embroidered textiles, depicting a family of leopards in the company of a marauding snake
Staffordshire horse, own image A textile version of a Staffordshire pottery horse, hand sewn and embroidered.
The Leopard that Changed its Spots, own image A mixed textile hand stitched piece with embroidered details
neptune with fish, own image hand stitched textiles and mixed media sculpture, loosely based on a Staffordshire pottery figure of Neptune
spotty dog, own image hand stitched dog in fabrics with embroidered details
Dick Turpin, Total Hero, own image A mixed media textile tribute to Staffordshire Pottery figures of romantic highwayman Dick Turpin
Staffordshire pottery-inspired work Nameless Wonders Glasgow, Scotland
leopard family in armed snake horror, own image composite piece in stitched and embroidered textiles, depicting a family of leopards in the company of a marauding snake
neptune with fish, own image hand stitched textiles and mixed media sculpture, loosely based on a Staffordshire pottery figure of Neptune
Staffordshire horse, own image A textile version of a Staffordshire pottery horse, hand sewn and embroidered.
spotty dog, own image hand stitched dog in fabrics with embroidered details
The Leopard that Changed its Spots, own image A mixed textile hand stitched piece with embroidered details
Dick Turpin, Total Hero, own image A mixed media textile tribute to Staffordshire Pottery figures of romantic highwayman Dick Turpin
More from Nameless Wonders
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