Crafts CouncilDirectoryLing Warlow Paper BotanistEmbodied ArchetypesLing Warlow Paper BotanistMerseyside, EnglandThe Magician, Jo Thorne @jothornephotographyTop hat decorated with medicinal plants - nettles, dandelions, foxglove, willow, herbs.Magicians staff topped with a giant iris.The Magician (2), Jo Thorne @jothornephotographyWearing a hat entwined with medicinal plants - made of paper, using brand coloursThe Lover, Jo Thorne @jothornephotographyThe Lover wears a wide hat - a big, beautiful, ivory flower with a blood red centreThe Warrior, Jo Thorne @jothornephotographyThe warrior carries a bow, but her quiver is full of blood red paper flowersThe Sovereign, Jo Thorne @jothornephotographyThe Sovereign wears a crown and carries a sceptre (Scottish Thistle) and orb (King Protea) - the flowers selected held personal symbolism for the subjectEmbodied ArchetypesLing Warlow Paper BotanistMerseyside, EnglandThe Magician, Jo Thorne @jothornephotographyTop hat decorated with medicinal plants - nettles, dandelions, foxglove, willow, herbs.Magicians staff topped with a giant iris.The Warrior, Jo Thorne @jothornephotographyThe warrior carries a bow, but her quiver is full of blood red paper flowersThe Magician (2), Jo Thorne @jothornephotographyWearing a hat entwined with medicinal plants - made of paper, using brand coloursThe Sovereign, Jo Thorne @jothornephotographyThe Sovereign wears a crown and carries a sceptre (Scottish Thistle) and orb (King Protea) - the flowers selected held personal symbolism for the subjectThe Lover, Jo Thorne @jothornephotographyThe Lover wears a wide hat - a big, beautiful, ivory flower with a blood red centreMore from Ling Warlow Paper BotanistProjectThe Paper Meadow (Community Project)ProjectGhost FlowersProjectLarge Scale CommissionsProjectThe Paper WildflowerProjectCommissioned workProjectNature's PaletteProjectWorld Museum Liverpool: Wildflower InstallationProjectEuroflowers