Crafts CouncilDirectoryLing Warlow Paper BotanistThe Paper WildflowerLing Warlow Paper BotanistMerseyside, EnglandThe Paper Wildflower Photoshoot BTS (2), Stephen Dodd @bigcheesephotoIt takes nerves of steel to make these micro adjustments - the smallest wrong move and you have to start from scratch. But it's worth it!The Paper Wildflower, Stephen Dodd @bigcheesephotoAn arrangement of all the paper wildflowers from my craftkits, photographed in the style of a Dutch MasterThe Paper Wildflower Photoshoot BTS, Stephen Dodd @bigcheesephotoTrying not to breathe as I make micro adjustments to the paper flower arrangement - wired flowers are hard to move at this scale!The Paper WildflowerLing Warlow Paper BotanistMerseyside, EnglandThe Paper Wildflower Photoshoot BTS (2), Stephen Dodd @bigcheesephotoIt takes nerves of steel to make these micro adjustments - the smallest wrong move and you have to start from scratch. But it's worth it!The Paper Wildflower Photoshoot BTS, Stephen Dodd @bigcheesephotoTrying not to breathe as I make micro adjustments to the paper flower arrangement - wired flowers are hard to move at this scale!The Paper Wildflower, Stephen Dodd @bigcheesephotoAn arrangement of all the paper wildflowers from my craftkits, photographed in the style of a Dutch MasterMore from Ling Warlow Paper BotanistProjectThe Paper Meadow (Community Project)ProjectGhost FlowersProjectLarge Scale CommissionsProjectCommissioned workProjectNature's PaletteProjectEmbodied ArchetypesProjectWorld Museum Liverpool: Wildflower InstallationProjectEuroflowers