Crafts CouncilDirectoryRachel ReynoldsWoodland TextilesAboutA range of printed textiles inspired from nature and derived from original linocuts.Rachel ReynoldsSouthampton, EnglandVirginia Creeper, Tote Bag, Rachel ReynoldsDetail of Virginia Creeper, cotton tote bag, derived from an original linocut. Virgina Creeper, Rachel ReynoldsTote Bag VisualWhite Beauty, Rachel ReynoldsWhite Beauty, cotton tote bag, derived from an original linocut. Virginia Creeper , Rachel ReynoldsVirginia Creeper Detail, Organic CottonWhite Beauty, Rachel ReynoldsWhite Beauty Detail, Organic CottonWoodland TextilesAboutA range of printed textiles inspired from nature and derived from original linocuts.Rachel ReynoldsSouthampton, EnglandVirginia Creeper, Tote Bag, Rachel ReynoldsDetail of Virginia Creeper, cotton tote bag, derived from an original linocut. Virginia Creeper , Rachel ReynoldsVirginia Creeper Detail, Organic CottonVirgina Creeper, Rachel ReynoldsTote Bag VisualWhite Beauty, Rachel ReynoldsWhite Beauty Detail, Organic CottonWhite Beauty, Rachel ReynoldsWhite Beauty, cotton tote bag, derived from an original linocut. More from Rachel ReynoldsProjectFlora and Fauna CollectionProjectGeometric Perspex Artwork