Craft generates £3.4 billion for the UK economy each year, with the contribution of the wider creative industries now growing at twice the rate of the UK economy. British craft has never been so sought-after and craft skills are revolutionising industries from aerospace to architecture.
Talking about working in craft can start early! Our free, national Craft School programme brings educators and learners from KS1-KS4 into craft thinking and making as the basis for exploring craft careers.
Use this page to gain personal insights from makers on the challenges they faced and what they've learned so far in their career paths.
Our Craft Journey series highlights a wide range of routes into craft careers, from making and design, through to roles in teaching, curating and writing.
You can also view twenty job profiles, containing practical advice on what to study, what you'll need to know and what skills are required.
You can find a downloadable pdf for each craft journey and job profile at the end of each page.