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The Bristol 2 Litre Engine. About
In 2009 I was widowed through suicide, I came both mother and father to two young sons.
The work was made in response. The drawing is both masculine and feminine; a car engine made from stitch.
It is obsessive in its detail and took over 350 hours to complete. In the final stage, the drawing was pinned on to loft boards and washed with water to remove the soluble backing ensuring all control was lost as the threads found their own place.
Julie Heaton Artist Bristol, England
The Bristol 2 Litre Engine, 2014., Julie Heaton Free machine embroidery.
The Bristol 2 Litre Engine. About
In 2009 I was widowed through suicide, I came both mother and father to two young sons.
The work was made in response. The drawing is both masculine and feminine; a car engine made from stitch.
It is obsessive in its detail and took over 350 hours to complete. In the final stage, the drawing was pinned on to loft boards and washed with water to remove the soluble backing ensuring all control was lost as the threads found their own place.
Julie Heaton Artist Bristol, England
The Bristol 2 Litre Engine, 2014., Julie Heaton Free machine embroidery.
More from Julie Heaton Artist
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